Book recommendation

Two great books I have recently read:
1. Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami
A book in which every character is pivotal, including the cats. Unlike any book I have read in the recent past, the book has charm, comedy, fear, action, adventure, mystery and twists in bursts of vivid imagination. The characters just don’t talk about then and now but weave you along the time frames. Each incident is a blend of the bizarre and the normal.
Highly recommended for a lazy crazy Sunday afternoon.

2. The CEO of the Sofa by P.J. O’Rourke
Hilarious. Every sentence cracks you up (no exaggeration here). The topics are wide ranging – Hillary Clinton, the UN, wine tasting, parallels in child upbringing and success at work etc. .
It is like listening to really great stand up comedy with no commercials breaking the spontaneity of the speaker. Highly entertaining.