Wear in the world – an easy visual guide on packing for travel

051210-carrie-2-400” I want to arrive stunning and impossibly fresh looking!”
– Carrie Bradshaw – Sex and the city

Traveling is excellent opportunity to experiment in and with style.

Once you get the basics right, it is possible to be look fabulous, even on days when you want to vacation with your hair and skin (almost) product free.



Here is an easy visual guide, that I put together, which I hope will help you pick what to take along on your travels. (Click on image to enlarge)



(Note: All images of clothing and accessories pictured above have been found elsewhere on the internet and are not pictures I own.)

That said, sometimes even the best of us may be caught in our not so poised form.


It is at these times, that you must remember that whatever the fashion faux pas, it isn’t remotely important enough to ruin your travel/vacation vibe.

 For more ‘Wear in the world’ click here