This is also India

India – a country that conjures up images of an enchanted land, of colour,splendour, rich diversity,spice.

For most of the people around the globe the images of India cease with these generalizations – and it is not their fault either – this is what is mostly portrayed on Travel channels and worse it is also the image of India showcased when the travellers come visiting.

We have limited the travellers exposure to our country so much so, that the he/she doesn’t get an adequate opportunity to decipher the magic in the madness.

My appeal to you – let the world know that this country is not just about women in yellows,greens and reds, spices and dabbawallas. Let it be known that India is more than snake charmers, rustic beauty and it’s dazzle extends much beyond the glitz of bollywood.

Each time you say something about this country use the word also .. for “India is about diversity” does not quite sum it up as “India is also about Diversity”.