Tak Bat – Luang Prabang

Each city in Asia has its unique relationship with religion, and it would be fair to say that Luang Prabang’s relationship with Buddhism is strikingly vivid.

This town, which is practically a sea of monasteries, is a beautiful vision in saffron.

Tak Bat is an engaging and touching experience in which a procession of young monks walk along the street, accepting food and offerings from the locals and tourists. This alms giving ritual is carried out in silence every morning along the streets of Luang Prabang.


A glimpse of the simple food, that is offered to the monks.

Traditionally, everyone who offers food to the monks seeks a blessing, and the ritual is of significance both to the giver and to the monk receiving the offering.

I happened to participate in this ritual with a couple of Thai tourists, one of who was seeking peace for the souls of her departed relatives. She sprinkled water on the feet of the monks who walked by, and post the ritual found a banyan tree to offer the remaining holy water to.