Ruci and Idoni, Hyderabad – Bistro Review

Step into the ‘Ruci and Idoni’ store and it becomes instantly clear that this is foodie and grocery heaven.

This isn’t your regular grocery market with the usual selection of breads and fruits.

A much needed shopping experience (in Hyderabad) with a dash of style is what ‘Ruci and Idoni’ is – complete with a 6 feet wide chandelier close to the entrance.

Starting out at the ground level of this three floor store, is a display of fresh fruits, vegetables, chocolates, drinks, edible oils from around the world and a choice display of fresh baked breads and pastries. Every direction you look, you will see tastefully displayed produce and ornate display boards to label them all.

By now the expectation of the bistro experience is already a notch higher than when I was out in the parking lot, handing over my keys to the valet.

Another level up and the display of grills and barbecues has me thinking of food so much that the hop skip and jump to the bistro is filled with anticipation.

But does the swankier necessarily translate to better?? That’s the question I set out to answer in my visit’s to the ‘Ruci and Idoni’ cafe.

Starting from their ‘All Day breakfast menu’ to the choice of desserts, the menu is reasonably extensive and I have pretty much ordered at least one item from each menu sub set.

1. The Good:


I tasted their pasta’s, the eggs they prepared and (pretty much) all the desserts they tempted me with – and mostly liked them all.

Although their bistro has more to offer than just pastries and bread, it was hard to absolutely fall in love with all that I tried.

The apple pie was one of the first things I tasted here and remains one of my favourites from all that I sampled and gorged on here.

While I fawned at their sundaes and stayed back longer to sip on endless cups of tea, the food here is not exactly phenomenal.

Baring some items, almost every other item has a ‘better in town’ version – the pizzas: better in Little Italy, the steak: better in TGIF, the felafel: better in Kibbeh.

Picking an item can be a hit or miss, but while the hits are great- even the misses are not all that bad.

My take on the must try items here are : the apple pie sundae, the brownie sundae, the ‘Irish toffee’ tea (from the Dilmah selection), the R & I Cobb salad and the seasonal fruit juices.

2. The Great:


The one singular thing that stands out in Ruci and Idoni is the ambiance – the individual elements of the decor and their sum presents a rather pleasing atmosphere .

The leather chairs are perfect for a long lazy conversation and the benches are great for home style dining experience for large groups.

All in all, not quite like a restaurant -it reminds you of a part of home that you always wish you had : right from the cookie jar that would look perfect in your kitchen to the leather chairs that would complete a home library . Ruci and Idoni is most definitely one of the few bistros in Hyderabad with a distinct personality.

3. The Bad:

The Prices

So, the foods good and the ambiance great. The menu calls for pondering and the teas make you want to stay for a little while longer.

But, there is a catch – the price. A couple of sandwiches and drinks could set you back as much as 1500-2000 Rupees.

All said, I would definitely recommend this place for a some serious un-winding.

Below is a slide show of some of the dishes that I tried at Ruci and Idoni:

For first time visitors, here is a preview of what you are in for (including the complete menu).

Do let me know about your experience here. Would love to hear  if there is any dish that you would recommend and what is the one main reason you would revisit :).