Recipe – Quick corn bread

In the mood for a hearty bite? But running low on pantry supplies? Here is just the recipe for you – quick, simple and steamed to better health :).

To make:
Mix together all purpose flour (1/2 cup), 2 tbsp butter , 1/4 cup milk, 1 egg, 1 tsp sugar, salt to taste. Gently fold in some sweet soda. There is no need to beat the batter to perfect smooth consistency, just ensure that everything is mixed well and there are no lumps.

Add 1/2 cup of steamed corn kernels. Transfer the batter to a greased pan and place in a rice cooker steam bath ( or in a thick bottom pan with water bath over the stove).

Cook till done ( check this by inserting a knife into the cake and if it comes out clean, the cake is done).

That is it,you have warm, fluffy, fresh made, lightly flavoured bread to accompany the evening tea/coffee.

This recipe takes about 5 mins of preparation and 15 minutes of cooking time.

If you try this recipe, do drop a comment on how it turned out. 🙂