Moo’s for mowing – Ingenious business that happens only in India

Sometimes, the desire to cut costs, brings oddly creative solutions.

The Indian monsoon has pretty much swept the nation, leaving behind farms, lawns and vast lands in need of a mowing. Until recently most farmers would hire labourers at an hourly rate to trim their farms, discard the unwanted weeds, and sell the chopped tall grass for a profit.

Most farmers nowadays in an effort to curb costs, go direct to their customers and just let some cattle loose. Retaining the services of local dairy farmers, this is a happy situation – the farms are “mowed” even as they get re-fertilized and the cows are fed well too.

So much so, the ever popular “gated colonies” have let in some cattle in too.


The cost – marginal to the cost of hired labour.

The upside – It’s eco-friendly, it’s economical and there need not be special perks to keep the cows going.

The downside – Fresh cut grass smells great, re-fertilized grass – not so much.
