Major backpacking routes around the world

When planning a backpacking trip, the volume of information and the sheer scale of a country/region can be overwhelming.

Breaking things down country wise is a good start, but still leaves much to plan in terms of the best route and direction of travel etc. . Couple this with the herculean task of arranging visas, can make you want to curl up in fetal position.

It is true that backpacking is a true adventure when you deviate from the tried and tested trail and discover things for yourself. That said, it will likely not be like a book, where a foreigner finds a village and meets people who change her life.

Most likely, these explorations could direct you to sleepy villages or bustling towns that are not ready for tourism. Although, that may be what you’re looking for, I think you may be disappointed –  with nowhere to stay and people trying to rip you off because they have not seen a tourist.

Even when backpacking, it is nice to go with an itinerary and then improvise based on what you learn along the way. To get you planning, here is a map that I bumped into which shows all the major backpacking routes around the world.


The red lines mark the most popular backpacker routes along the world. The pink lines indicate spaces, where the easiest and possibly the only way to travel is to take a flight.

While you are at it, do visit the source of this map . As their description suggests ” the site is not about personal travels or inflating a sense of achievement. It’s created with contributions from many, grows weekly and is about sharing knowledge that makes any trip achievable and enjoyable. If you are planning to go travelling independently (short or long term) and are perhaps a little apprehensive, this site is for you.”

Happy travels and happier explorations.