India travel FAQ’s – Should I be worried about kickback system ?

Commission system is unofficial but well established and there isn’t much that can be done about it. As a tourist it can affect you, as a tourist, in many ways.

Hotels/ Guesthouses/ Home-stays –  Some establishments actively encourage taxi drivers and auto-rickshaw drivers to bring guests by offering commissions in return. This is a system, no one likes (except those making money of it of-course). As all the drivers know which hotels and guesthouses pay this kind of money there’s no way you can sneak around it and it probably wouldn’t save you any money if you could. Yes, the commissions are buried in the cost of the room but if you somehow managed to sneak into the hotel without a driver you’d still probably pay the same for the room. The problem that develops with this system is that due to the high payout it can lead to additional pressure on you from taxi drivers trying to steer you to the hotel or guesthouse of their choosing and not your choosing. It’s an annoying situation to be in and the only advice I can offer is that if you find yourself with a driver uncooperative about taking you where you want to go you stand your ground and insist that he does.

Restaurants/ Souvenir shops/ Travel agencies/ local markets and specific shops- The commission game extends beyond just hotels and guesthouses. 

The ideal way to deal with it – do a little research on your stay, travel agencies, souvenir shops, restaurants etc that have good reviews before you reach. You can also inquire at the tourist centers, but the information available online is far superior and more current.

Further, once you are here,  concern yourself about the commission game only is a driver declines to take you where you want to go, “Oh, but cost there no good, my sister has very good shop, A1 quality material and stitching.”


All this considered, sometimes kickbacks can make things better. Within the country and during my own travel experiences, I have been directed to hotels and restaurants that have fit my requirements beautifully. Many auto drivers actually know what they are doing, and are only helping you out with some local know-how.  Did I tip these people along the way? Yes, as may have many others. These kind of kickbacks are a win-win for all.