India Travel FAQ – Advise on bargaining?

This depends on where you are shopping.

In shopping malls, fixed price shops ( these have clearly marked signage either outside or inside the shop) bargaining is a waste of breath, you could try if you want, the worst you will hear is a No or a  gentle nod towards the “Fixed Price” sign.



That said, bargaining is a normal way of conducting business in night markets, souvenir stalls and even when booking local transport.

Mastering the skill of back and forth in bargaining takes time and experience, so just follow a few basic guidelines:

  1. Negotiate the price for a auto/tuk-tuk, before you leave for the destination ( This amount should include agreed fare including the tip)
  2. Buying the first item at the first shop is a sure fire way to overpay. Browse several shops, to get an idea for how much an item(s) generally costs before settling for a shop.
  3. Shop Early /Shop Late  – Store owners consider the first sale of the day to be lucky. Arriving shortly after opening might yield a better price.Cart vendors still out toward early evening are eager to end their days with a last minute bargain sale.
  4. Have a maximum price in mind before negotiating. Conversations can be quick, and before you realize what you have agreed upon, the price is higher than you were able to pay.
  5. Be upfront about the mode of payment. Shop owners, have a tendency to reduce prices if you mention cash payment. Credit card companies charge merchants fees for each sale.
  6. Resist any temptation to offer too little. This can be humiliating for the owner, and aggravate him/her enough to stop all negotiation.

While it is true that bargaining for prices is a good idea when shopping around the streets for souvenirs, know where to stop. If you are picking u something relatively cheap, lighten up a bit. Just because you have heard stories of how marked up the prices are, not every street transaction must be bargained.

Warning : When buying expensive items  like gems, carpets etc., please be careful and find out about authorized dealers/sellers before making any purchases.