India Travel FAQ – What is an ideal India itinerary?

Asking this question, is like asking for a one fits all global itinerary.

Here are 4 key aspects that would help you with planning your itinerary:
 1. India is huge

Cyclopean huge, Himalayan huge.

Everything you plan in this country, should be based around this piece of information.

This country is very, very large and hence very, very diverse.

2. Figure out what experiences you are looking forward to most

Understanding what you most enjoy doing and what things are of interest to you, will help with tailoring the itinerary, and the best seasons to visit.

 3. Less could mean, much more

Try not to cram too much in one visit to India.

Seeing one place slowly, taking in everything it has to offer is much more rewarding than whirlwind destination hopping.

There is more to travel in India than visiting the Taj, stopping over at Varanasi and completing the golden triangle circuit.

The experiences that North, East, West and South zones of India have on offer are very diverse, and the sub regions within these zones, pack their own punch of distinct culture, traditions and cuisine.

To properly indulge your senses in these unique experiences, you have to allow yourself some time.

 4. Reach out to the local’s before your travels

Post on forums and read old threads about the routes travelers have taken and many will jump in to help you figure out a good route suited to your needs.