India Travel FAQ – Is India safe?

India in the recent past, has gained a reputation of being an unsafe place to travel, especially if you are a lone female traveler. This reputation is not entirely undeserved.

Based on the current events that have gained global exposure, the most heinous crime that you would be worried about is sexual assault.
In reality though, the most disturbing thing, that you are likely to encounter is random people staring at you.

Let me explain. The general population is not exposed to many cultures and experiences, hence anyone who stands out will attract curious attention. This can be annoying, but isn’t anything to give much thought or lose sleep over.

If anything, you will be amazed at how many of these curious Indians want to help you out.

That said, sexual assault is a reality, and you must exercise all the precautions that you would take at home and some more.

Always remember that India is a conservative country, and dressing conservatively most likely means covering up more than you would where you come from.

Backpacker hostels are a relatively new concept in India, and some of the budget accommodation’s are not always a safe choice to opt for. Make your choices carefully and after adequate research. It is wiser to pay a little extra for secure and accredited accommodation, especially if you are traveling solo.

Pick pocketing and petty theft is not unheard of, so always be aware of your surroundings and keep your important belongings close and secure.

Despite all I said, India is by and large a safe place to be.
Do not let fear keep you from exploring this beautiful, vast and vibrant country.

You should be fine if you use your common sense, trust your instincts, secure your valuables ,and be shrewd in your judgement on who you are willing to trust.