Help a brother out – you can make a real life fairytale proposal happen !!

Antonio from Zagreb, Croatia is planning to propose his girlfriend in a special way.

He plans to show her pictures of friends and well-wishers from the 194 countries, recognized by UN, holding up a note which reads “JELENA UDAJ SE ZA MENE” ( translation: Jelena marry me).

So far he has received pictures from few countries, but time is running out :).



Whichever country you are reading this from, if you would like to help Antonio with his plan, share a similar picture:

1. Click a photograph at a famous place in your town
2. Hold up a note reading : JELENA UDAJ SE ZA MENE / JELENA MARRY ME
3. Mention the name of your city and country

Make this your good and happy deed of the day :).
Drop a comment against this post, so I can share Antonio’s email ID with you.



UPDATE (September 26,2016):

Thanks to all who reached out and shared pictures, here’s some I received and forwarded to Antonio: