Hampi – Pictures of a city set in stone

A UNESCO declared world heritage site, Hampi is a magical destination.

Once the capital of Vijayanagar kingdom, it is now one of the most glorious and vibrant destination’s in India.

You choose the pace of your vacation here – from lazy unwinding with stunning views to thrilling bouldering on virgin rocks – the town truly has something on offer for everyone.

Allow yourself an time-extravagant holiday here – explore the stunning architectural ruins of bygone glory, soak in the setting sun along the banks of the Tungabhadra, visit the glorious temples, taste global and local cuisine in unique ambiances, get up-close and personal with the elephants on the banks of Tungabhadra, practice rock climbing on the many boulders around the town, go shutter crazy amongst stunning ancient ruins or just shop the local markets for some truly incredible finds.

Here is a slide-show of some pictures that I took during my trip to Hampi (including detail on where you can stay and eat), that will give a glimpse of the town’s incomparable charm and personality.

For any further information on travel/stay and eating out options in Hampi, leave your query in the comment’s section and I will get back to you.