Dress to kill – some very practical tips to look your best, or not.

.. or not.

This post is about some very practical tips to look your best.

First off, are you sure you want to look your best? Think carefully.
Once people see you at your best, you set the bar too high and things can only go downhill from there on. :-/

Two things can happen, either your smashing looks are to be expected and hence will go unnoticed or someone is going to notice that you look fatter, paler, unwell or drained in comparison to the last time they saw you.

Ever notice the flood of compliments a colleague has been receiving, just because he started adding some clean, crisp shirts and smart shoes to the mix ( after days of turning up shabby for work).


This is not to say that you frequently dress shabby, skip the shower and turn up one fine day looking groomed. The idea is not to lapse at hygiene and follow it up with a makeover every month, the idea is to be/look interesting and put together all the time.

Your intention must be to tease and give out strong hints of your natural good looks (yes, I have secret survey results that confirm that all readers of this site are good looking) . Each time you step out, highlight one aspect that will get noticed in a good way – fabulous blow dried hair, a well matched tie, a skirt that accentuates those perfect legs.

You get my point.

Secondly, contrary to popular advise, dressing up is not so much about yourself. While you need to be comfortable, chances are, if you dress for yourself you are going to step out in shorts and tees ( or pajamas’s) all the time . You cannot get away with that in any scenario, unless you are hanging out with hipsters or the homeless or on vacation in some jungle where mild slacking off may be allowed because you have bigger problems like giant snakes and lack of loo’s to deal with.

Third, stand up straight and tall, crank your neck just a teeny bit , suck your tummy in and clench those butt muscles. Trust me on that last bit, try it ever so often – clench, release, repeat till it becomes second nature. In just a matter of months you will want insurance, JLo style.

Most importantly, never lose that smile and twinkle in your eye. Although how you take care of yourself and turn up for work/parties etc. is important, people remember you most for who you are and your refreshing attitude and not just how fabulous you look.

It is the conversations and the feeling around you that people cherish – sharp suits and beautiful dresses are just accessories that make the moments more picturesque.