Cafe Coffee day Lounge

Props to Cafe Coffee Day for changing it up often.

While the earlier changes were restricted to the look and feel of the store, with the launch of the ”The Lounge’, they have gone all out.Starting from the time you enter to the point you leave, it leaves a  impression of a great place for some good coffee.

The refreshing interiors, better music and a larger variety to choose from are more than just good first impressions.

What we tried so far: Siphon ( strong unadulterated coffee served with dates I felt a craving for tea with cherries when this was brought in : ), Lounge Frappe (a little weak in flavour, but a satisfying tall glass of smooth cold coffee ), and the veggie nuggets with mint chutney.

If you love strong coffee, you will also like the Frenchpress and Pourover.

All in all, much prefer this to the regular CCD, I just hope that in trying to achieve a lot I hope it does not end up with a identity crisis – confused borderline lounge/bistro/coffee shop 🙂 ??


Veggie Nuggets – the mint chutney was divine.



Siphon – As promised a pleasure to the senses.