Tighten that post you wrote and an inspiring story to finish – a quick guide to writing better

Some points that I think everyone should keep in mind, in order to tighten anything they write:

Reduce the generic word count
Often in an attempt to highlight a point/emotion the same words are repeated in a span of few short sentences.

This could either mean, that your vocabulary is lacking, or there is a lack in your understanding of the topic/emotion that you are conveying.

Figure out and rectify, which of the above reasons is preventing you from conveying specific points.

Avoid making a mess
All communication should have some structure.

It is nice to define at least a broad start and finish to any story you are telling.

A flow and structure to any piece of writing, ensures maximum coverage of your thoughts, hence, even if the reader skims they will have a fair idea of what you have written.

Repeat not
When trying to drive a point across, this is an easy mistake to make.

Remember, if you have said it once, you have said enough.

Do not fall in love with what you write
Sometimes penning a flood of thoughts can be immensely satisfying, and you will feel that you have written all that you had to say.

In reality, like all art, every written piece needs editing – allow the piece to rest a while. Revisit as many times as your patience allows, to eliminate all that can be snipped.

Allow space for another perspective
Communication is a two way street, only when you allow the perspective of others, can a story be truly complete.

Taut writing and editing can be very easily learned and is an extremely useful skill irrespective of what you are writing – it is also an easier way to structure and include logic in your thoughts.

As for the inspiring finish.

How about the story of an amazing self-taught 21 year old Antoni Tudisco, who creates very original and interesting 3D art. Find his work here.