A Beautiful Day – Poem

The sun stood staunch, powerful
It’s might be felt
“What wonders he could bring wherever he’d dwell”

On and off he shone on her
Until one day he gazed straight
Bright twinkle, reflecting off star struck eyes

Everyday, he’d come knocking
He liked what she had
A world of happiness that she wanted to spread

So he stood by stronger and longer
Weathering the seasons, never with a falter
Their world grew and so did her brightness
She had a glow that cast a rainbow

They took with them life and laughter
Gliding over the seas in a world their own
She was never happier and he could see
What beautiful people they had come to be

One stormy day
Guests would come knocking
Bask in brightness
And move about in rhyme

She let these shadows be
For they were specks
In the great big white

They fed of care
And grew in strength
Till once day, they were all that was left

Summer couldn’t find it’s world no more
Where would it, then shine ?

Unwilling, it tore away


The girl lay about for a day
Till she saw, glow within
Wasn’t this enough to scare the shadows away?
Brighter each day